This episode of #BaduyPride is all about the unique franchise that is Doctor Who. We originally meant to discuss our favorite Time Lord last week in time for TARDIS day, but one thing led to another and we had to reschedule. But hey, it's never a bad time to talk about the Doctor and his adventures across all of time and space because there's still so much to love and celebrate about the series, or the franchise, as a whole.
There are a lot of elements that have come together over the years to sort of "define" what the experience is like. We have the many incarnations of the Doctor, the many enemies, and antagonists that have changed and evolved over the history of the show, the diverse Companions who have helped the Doctor in their own unique way and so much else. And it's also way more than "just" a TV show with countless books, audio dramas, toys, and other collectibles all giving us new ways to celebrate this amazing character.
While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!
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