Friday, October 30, 2020

Vlog Ep. 71: Tabletop Drinking Games

It's a Friday night and we brought out the drinks and a tower of games and decided to talk about different games that work as drinking games! While we don't typically do a lot of drinking while gaming, we figured we've had enough experience to take this topic on and I think we had some decent fun with it. 

So to recap, trick-taking games are good if you want an excuse for people to take shots from time to time. Medium difficulty games are okay earlier in the night and can still be fun but don't push heavier stuff as the drinks keep flowing. Play games that have minimal components to lose or destroy and don't get too married to your games in this respect. Just have fun with it.

While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Vlog Ep. 70: Time Travel in Popular Media

This episode of #BaduyPride is all about the different depictions of time travel in popular media! We tried to focus on TV shows and movies but like time travel itself, the many possibilities sort of got away from us in time. The big challenge is that it could just be about time travel being an important part of the story or it's just some sort of framing device that sets up the story and not much beyond that.

I guess the best value of the episode is helping introduce you all to more time travel shows and movies that you may not have covered before. We had a really long list and so we could only speak about each one very succinctly, but it makes for quite a list of interesting media to explore.

This was a community-contributed topic originally shared by our friend, Mai! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured in a future video.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Vlog Ep. 69: The Naughty & Nice Episode

Well, here it is - the 69th episode of #BaduyPride. People wanted things to get crazy naughty. We wanted to keep things kind of nice. So we ended up with an episode that tried to dance along that fine line in terms of things that we love and enjoy that are both Naughty and Nice.

So we ended up talking about a lot of different tabletop games including a few RPG systems that totally celebrate that naughty & nice feel. We covered a few examples of popular fiction including webcomics that are also cheekily naughty without crossing too many lines. I have to admit, this turned out to be a more interesting thematic episode than expected. 

While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!

Monday, October 26, 2020

Vlog Ep. 68: Fluxx Overload

Today's #BaduyPride episode was all about Fluxx: The Ever-Changing Card Game. I was kind of surprised at just how many different editions of the game we own and it just speaks to our love for the franchise, I suppose. Plus it feels like there's a Fluxx for every occasion. 

Fluxx is definitely one of our favorite gateway games as it's pretty easy to learn for players of all backgrounds. And since there are so many versions that tie to different franchises, then it makes it even easier to get new players into the game.

This was a community-contributed topic originally shared by our friend, Kenny! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured in a future video.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Vlog Ep. 67: About Sesame Street

We love getting suggestions for #BaduyPride episodes since they can lead us to some pretty unexpectedly fun episodes. And this one all about Sesame Street turned out to be quite the delightful nostalgia trip for us and probably everyone else who grew up with the show and were with us during the stream. 

Sesame Street is an institution in itself and I feel like the animated nature of the discussion just reflects how many lives were changed by those lovable Muppets and all the other characters who called 123 Sesame Street home. And it's great that the franchise continues to go strong and will help teach new generations of children essential lessons they need to know.

This was a community-contributed topic originally shared by our friend, David! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured in a future video.

Vlog Ep. 66: Random Hangout I

I guess it really ways something that we were able to fire up the webcam for a #BaduyPride episode without a firm plan in mind and ended up having close to two hours of fun talking about a lot of different things including Halloween plans, horror movies, and a bunch of other fun stuff. But really, this episode would not have been possible without the support and participation of everyone who continues to watch our live streams and join in the conversation.

We continue to create these videos as a way to continue to reach out to friends and stay somewhat socially connected to people despite the need for physical distancing and all that stuff. And I hope that the show also helps people in this regard - we all have to help one another to get through this pandemic.

While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Vlog Ep. 65: Choosing Family Within LGBT Circles

A friend suggested we talk about "Cliques, Barkadas, and Family within the Community", but we figured that it was a little better to just focus on the concept of the LGBT tendency to create alternative families as a support structure to stay in theme with #BaduyPride episodes in general. 

Beyond inevitable references to our own family, Pamilya Egg, we also took some time to sort of go over our respective social journeys and how that may lead up to the friendships we've formed and fostered as LGBT individuals. And as this was a Friday session, it was pretty chill and maybe a little rambly once the alcohol kicked in. But on the whole, it was a fun session.

This was a community-contributed topic originally shared by our friend, Jobo! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured in a future video.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Vlog Ep. 64: Dwarven Farming with Caverna

It will be quite a long while before we run out of board games to cover on #BaduyPride, and that's not a bad thing at all. Today we talked about Caverna, the quirky dwarven farming game created by Uwe Rosenberg that combined two worlds I never really expected could belong together.

This is definitely a good example of the sort of big games that we like even when they can take an hour or two to play. And we hope this video helps make the game feel a bit more approachable and perhaps even less intimidating than before because we do love it and hope to get more people interested in at least trying it out. Plus aren't all the wooden animal tokens super cute? 

This was a community-contributed topic originally shared by our friend, GM! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured in a future video.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Vlog Ep. 63: Creating Characters for TRPGs

We don't often have #BaduyPride episodes on Wednesdays, but our not having a Vampire TRPG session today freed up some time. But in honor of that, we dedicated today's episode to talking about our thoughts on creating characters for tabletop role-playing games and tips for making sure these characters have a better chance of supporting the stories of your gaming group.  

I guess you could consider this a tips video for players new and old, but of course, these are ultimately just opinions and hardly rules that everyone should follow. We can only speak from our experience with different players and the like and share what worked for us. We hope you find some uses in what we had to share! And we'd love to dedicate more episodes tot talking about different aspects for the hobby.

This was a community-contributed topic originally shared by our friend, Pico! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured in a future video.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Vlog Ep. 62: The Fantasy Worlds of Jim Henson

Tonight's #BaduyPride episode was a bit of a change of pace as we ended up talking about different Jim Henson fantasy franchises that we've come to love. And that had us diving into the worlds of The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, and the tales of The Storyteller. What's not to love given these different entertainment experiences that used the magic of puppets to bring them to life?

And beyond the movies and TV shows, we also got to celebrate the fact that these different properties have their share of expanded fiction including young adult novels and comic books. And for even more fun, there are different tabletop games including board games and the Labyrinth RPG, which is a beautiful celebration of the movie. 

This was a community-contributed topic partially attributed to Deet! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured in a future video.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Vlog Ep. 61: Traveling the Great Western Trail

Over time, Mondays have become tabletop gaming days for #BaduyPride and today's episode celebrated the surprisingly fascinating game of Great Western Trail as created by Alexander Pfister. As if I didn't already love cows as much as I did before this game. But throw in a deck-building element? Oh yeah totally sold.

I'm glad that Tobie was able to secure a copy of the game for our collection after spending quite some time looking for one. He's now obsessing over all the different promotional expansions that had been released at different events, however, I highly doubt we'll find them anytime soon. Fingers crossed for now.

While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Vlog Ep. 60: Quarantine Check-in - Week 32

As we begin our 32nd week in lockdown here in Metro Manila, we figured it was a good time for another Quarantine Check-in episode fore #BaduyPride. We know that a number of our friends have been struggling this month and this episode was our contribution to everyone's mental wellness.

These episodes primarily consist of stories of our week and the things we ended up thinking and feeling because of that. And this week's adventures included us going to the mall together after almost 3 months (scary!) and recent online calls with friends really making a big difference. Everyone's dealing with this lockdown in their own way and we shared a few of our own ideas that may help some of you.

While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Vlog Ep. 59: Digital Dating

Because we enjoy letting our Friday night episode run a little longer, tonight's alcohol-empowered #BaduyPride episode was all about dating in this digital age! People had asked how social media had impacted our dating lives (which it hadn't), so we ended up talking about what we do think of the modern dating world and what fundamentals still apply.

But yeah, I think our core advice to people remains the same regardless of the medium. Be honest  - sell yourselves as you and not someone you hope to be. Figure out what your non-negotiables are. Be open to meet new people. Be clear in communicating what you expect out of a person or an encounter.

This was a community-contributed topic originally shared by our friend, Pico, and butterfly 2.0! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured in a future video.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Vlog Ep. 58: Conspiracy Theories

I can't believe we actually did a Conspiracy Theories episode for #BaduyPride, but here we are. And on top of that, we're probably going to have another one someday given the response to this video and how lively the discussion ended up being. I guess people really like this stuff - including Tobie, apparently. Who knew, eh?

But all kidding aside, this was way too big a topic for a single episode and maybe we'll dedicate time to the sub-topics or individual conspiracy theories one day. The aliens discussion alone took up a lot of time in this episode because there are so many nuances to it and different aspects worth looking into. 

This was a community-contributed topic originally shared by our friend, Kenny! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured in a future video.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Vlog Ep. 57: Cleaning Geekily

I don't quite understand why a number of our #BaduyPride-watching friends are so amused about Tobie and me talking about the chores around the Sietch for some reason. But here we are with another episode about how we clean things because people asked for it.

To keep things interesting, I tried to focus go beyond just discussing our cleaning approach but also throwing in some tips in terms of what works for us. That inevitably resulted in a lot of discussions about the use of baking soda for cleaning different things, because I really love baking soda. Go figure.

This was a community-contributed topic shared by our friend, Kenny and Pico! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured in a future video.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Vlog Ep. 56: Sheep-Fueled Dike Building with Lowlands

We've been dedicating our Monday nights to different tabletop games, particularly board games and card games and other fun stuff. Tonight's #BaduyPride was about Lowlands, a worker placement game created by Ralf and Claudia Partenheimer. Beyond providing an overview of the games, we also talked about some strategies players can try and of course some of our different experiences with the game. 

When I look at our game collection, it's funny what sorts of themes and concepts are covered by these games. Why do we have so many games about farming? It's not like we're interested in moving to the countryside to raise sheep or other livestock. But here we are with games like Lowlands and Caverna and we absolutely delight in playing them.

While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Vlog Ep. 55: What We're Watching This October

This weekend has been pretty busy, but we still pushed through with a #BaduyPride episode for today. And as we're trying to keep Sundays a bit more chill, we just talked about the different shows and movies that we've been watching (and re-watching) as of late. It certainly made for a good round-up of the different programs that have helped to make our quarantine a little less stressful.

Major shout-out to great experiences like Inside No. 9 and Star Trek: Lower Decks certainly. I think those two shows are some of the major highlights for the past month. We're also looking forward to the likes of Star Trek: Discovery and Unsolved Mysteries coming back for new seasons this month as well.

While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!

Pamilya Egg 2020

Pamilya Egg 2020

It's only natural that this pandemic and the 200+ day lockdown that Metro Manila and other parts of the Philippines have been subject to has left me thinking a lot about our friends. A time of social distancing means that we don't get to see our friends in person anymore apart from maybe carefully arranged meetings while maintaining physical distancing and wearing several layers of personal protective equipment. And that isn't all that great an experience, especially when it comes to our circle of LGBT friends where hugs and other forms of somewhat more casual intimacy are normal ways to greet one another. 

This pandemic has really taken a lot away from us.

And this month really has me thinking about Nico and Pamilya Egg, because yes, this is still a thing. In this period where we have been kept away from our friends, then all the more I miss particularly important friends like our Anak. My friendship with Nico is technically older than my relationship with Tobie because he was our number one supporter even before we got together. You should know how the story goes by now.

It's amazing on so many levels that we've remained friends this long. And beyond that, we've remained as a sort of family as well. And it's not like this has manifested in us hanging out all the time or even talking all that much in the pre-pandemic period. But there's no questions that we're a sort of LGBT family, a family of choice that supports one another but also has a healthy respect for everyone living their own lives.

In a recent conversation, Nico mentioned that he can't even imagine us not being in one another's lives. And that's an amazingly powerful statement when you think about it. We often talk about romantic relationships as being something that should last forever, which is totally great. But how often do you really consider a friendship with a similar level of permanence? At least for me, I've never really made that promise often (or lightly). Being a good friend is hard and takes a lot of work and not everyone is built for that.

But Anak has the right of it - I cannot even conceive of a possibility that we won't remain good friends. He's very important to me and Tobie and I really enjoy spoiling him with the occasional gift here and there because he always appreciates them wholeheartedly. I've had the privilege of being around as he's gone through many life milestones and has worked his way up the corporate ladder and actually advanced his career quite well over the years. I guess you can call me a proud parent in this regard! hahaha

In this time of uncertainty and fear over a disease that seems almost unstoppable, we need to hold on strongly to the people who are most dear to us. And as much as so many friends have come and gone in our lives, Nico has stuck around for us and so have we in turn. And I feel amazingly blessed that this is the case. It is a gift to have a friend stay around this long and it's equally precious to feel this genuinely strongly for a friend as well. And this lockdown has reminded me to be thankful and remind Nico of this as well.

11+ years and counting, Pamilya Egg is still going strong. 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Vlog Ep. 54: Indoor Night Out

I guess we were inspired our first guest episode with Turing Quinto, so we ended theming this episode of #BaduyPride such that we can still have guests involved. In this case, we decided to talk about our favorite memories of nights out and asked our friends to jump in and share their own stories.

I have to admit, this quickly turned into a gathering of close friends that just happened to be online. We hope that you enjoyed a taste of the camaraderie we've formed at O Bar (primarily). This pandemic is a tough challenge for all of us but we can still find ways to stay connected with our friends and focus on the better times ahead. 

While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!

Friday, October 9, 2020

Vlog Ep. 53: #TURSday Thursday with Turing Quinto

Our 53rd episode of #BaduyPride features our very first guest - the lip-sync assassin of O Bar, Turing Quinto! This fabulous drag artist is known for some very compelling performances and has found ways to expand her creative efforts to the digital space during this challenging period of lockdown.

You can follow Turing on her different social channels here:

While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Vlog Ep. 52: Board Games You Can Play Alone

Today's #BaduyPride episode was dedicated to offering people single-player board game options to help get through the quarantine better. We recognize that not everyone shares a home space with someone they can play games with, so it's good to check out what's out there.

Beyond going through our collection of board games that have single-player options along with suggesting a few apps, I also want to document the automata resource that Tobie shared during the game. This basically adds single-player mechanics for different games to make it sort of playable alone - so that's a bit more bang for your buck in terms of game options. 

This was a community-contributed topic originally shared by our friend, Macoi! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured in a future video.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Vlog Ep. 51: Life and Death in the Village Board Game

Monday nights are tabletop game nights for #BaduyPride, and today we tackled the unique strategy game that is Village, created by Inka and Markus Brand and published by eggertspiele. In this video, we give an overview of the game and some of the basics of how their two expansions, Village Inn and Village Port, work. 

Sorry, I get a little crazy when it comes to the death aspect of this game, but it really is a fun aspect of things and a key scoring option that needs to be managed to ensure victory in the end. Beyond that, we're also super excited to start hosting guests, soon!

While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Vlog Ep. 50: Quarantine Check-in - Week 30

As Metro Manila enters its 30th week in community quarantine, we dedicated our 50th #BaduyPride episode to a sort of live check-in with everyone to see how people are doing under the rigors and stress of this extended lockdown. This was another content experiment of sorts as we figure we can do episodes like this every so often and just slow things down a bit to reconnect and breathe together.

A lot of tonight's musings were triggered by the O Bar House Party Queens Zoom event last night, that was a nice taste of the old normal life, in a manner of speaking. While we had a lot of fun celebrating the fabulousness of the O Divas even if just online, it also ended up being a reminder of all the things we missed about our old lives and the freedom to go out whenever we wanted to.

While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!

Vlog Ep 49: Our Experiences with the Local Queer Scene

We've been taking advantage of using Friday nights for longer #BaduyPride episodes, and our 49th one was all about our diverse experiences with the local queer scene over the years. It was an interesting retelling that started with our solo adventures before we got together and culminated with everything we love about O Bar.

We also took some time to share some of our experiences with foreign LGBT spaces in the US, Singapore, and Thailand, just to sort of compare and contrast those spaces versus the bars at home. This video ran for a good 90 minutes and we really enjoyed all the comments that came in during the stream that made things extra special.

This was a community-contributed topic originally shared by our friend, Kenny! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured in a future video.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Vlog Ep. 48: The Imperial Settlers Universe

Tonight's #BaduyPride had us talking about a literal empire of games that we enjoy greatly - this being the Imperial Settlers universe of games that includes the original Imperial Settlers (and its expansions), Imperial Settlers Roll & Write, Imperial Settlers Empires of the North (and its expansions), and now the campaign added by Imperial Settlers: Rise of the Empire.

I think longer-term Baduy Pride viewers should recognize by now that (1) we love a lot of the games designed by Ignacy Trzewiczek, and (2) we love a lot of the games released by Portal Games. And we're not ashamed of this fact - we like what we like and there's a lot to LOVE when it comes to this brilliant tabletop game company. 

While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!
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