This episode of #BaduyPride focused on the tabletop game Deep Sea Adventure, created by Jun Sasaki and Goro Sasaki and published by Oink Games. This calling card box-sized game supports 2-6 players and is one of the rare Oink Games releases that don't require a minimum of 3 players. And while it's not our favorite game, it does make for a fun addition to any game night that doesn't involve overly complex rules.
I will never get over at the level of complexity these Oink Games hide in such small boxes. We own games that come in bigger boxes because of way more components that end up being simpler or less enjoyable. And this is just one of many delightful Oink Games experiences we look forward to celebrating on the show.
While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!
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