Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Vlog Ep. 249: Lucky Food

Because all of our #BaduyPride episodes are about lucky (and unlucky) things this week, our Tasty Tuesday episode was all about the idea of lucky food! And given how central food is to our daily lives, it's only natural there are a lot of beliefs and superstitions tied to food and how they relate with life events or holidays. 

If I were to pick, some of my favorite food traditions include the likes of needing to eat long noodles for long life or good fortune and maybe the mandatory nature of birthday cakes. Even now that I try to minimize my carb intake, I'll still have a keto-friendly cake for my birthday because there are some traditions you just can't let go of. 

While we chose today's topic, we're always open to suggestions! If you have ideas for future video discussions, feel free to fill out this Google Form and your idea may be featured as the focus for an episode!

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