July 2020
My weight loss journey and this whole quarantine situation has me sporadically digging through past photos more than usual. When I look at myself in the mirror every day, it's hard to tell if I'm making any real progress. So there's nothing quite like jumping back a few years to shock myself with how big I used to be and thus stressing how far I've come. Plus it's a nice way to remember what it was like when we all had the freedom to travel freely and meet up with friends in non-socially-distant settings.
And with me trying to celebrate happier days through this blog, I thought it might be fun to do a year-by-year photo review of our couple photos. Prepare yourself for fluctuating weight and changing hairstyles!
September 2009
June 2010
August 2011
March 2012
June 2013 |
April 2014 |
February 2015 |
September 2016
January 2017
January 2018
April 2019 |
January 2020
...and to think I keep telling Tobie that we need to take more photos of ourselves for documentation purposes.
We should! I'm just so photo conscious heheh
ReplyDeleteThis is why I had to make #ElevatorPhotobooth collages a thing over the years haha
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mon!